👏 Huge congratulations to our 6th grader Sebastian for displaying Emotional intelligence and earning a positive referral! Keep up the great work! @mcallenisd #fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
🎄Falcons, let’s make December 2022 one to remember and participate in our dress up days! @mcallenisd #fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
👏 Falcon shout out to 7th grader Megan for earning a positive referral and displaying amazing EQ traits! @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Congratulations to our 7th grade light girls basketball team on their 28-6 win vs Memorial Middle School. Way to go lady falcons!🏀#fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
7th grade light win
Congratulations to our 7th grade dark girls basketball team on their 19-13 win vs Memorial Middle School. Way to go lady falcons!🏀#fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
7th grade dark win
🏀A big congrats to our 8th grade light girls basketball team on their 22-14 victory vs Memorial Middle School. Way to go lady falcons! 🏀#fossumfalcons #soaringabovetherest
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
8th grade light
A big congratulations to our 7th grade baseball team as they remain undefeated defeating Sharyland North Middle School with a score of 5-2. Let's go falcons! #fossumfalcons #soaringabovetherest
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
baseball win1
baseball win2
🧑‍🔬🐸Our Fossum Falcons dissect a frog to learn first hand about their anatomy. Exciting day for our future scientists! #fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
frog dissection 1
frog dissection 2
Join Fossum MS Student Council this holiday season as we “Share the Warmth” one blanket at a time! We will be taking donations of new blankets from Dec. 1st through Dec. 16th at the Fossum choir room. Let’s show empathy to our friends in need this holiday season. #McallenISDCares
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
blanket donations
📚 Leadership spotlight goes out to Mrs. Williams, our SIF, for meeting with 6th grade RLA classes and analyzing their benchmarks today. @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
👏 Falcon shout out to Mrs. Gonzalez’s 7th grade RLA class for earning their attendance puzzle piece! @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
👏 🎉 Falcon shout out to Mrs. Gomez’s 2nd period Math class! @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Gomez 2nd period
🎉 Way to go Mrs. Demo’s 2nd period class. You have earned an attendance puzzle piece! @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
demo 2nd period
👏 Amazing job by Mr. Maciel’s 2nd period class for earning another attendance puzzle! @mcallenisd #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
👨‍🎓👩‍🎓This week is College Awareness Week! Can’t wait to see you all participate. #MISD #FossumFalcons
about 2 years ago, Aida Evans
college awareness week
Our Fossum family would like to wish yours a very wonderful Thanksgiving. May the occasion of Thanksgiving be full of happiness and joys for your family. A special thanks to PTO and booster club for their contribution to our luncheon. With much gratitude, we say, THANK YOU!
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
thanksgiving 2
thanksgiving 3
Congrats 7th grade light basketball team on last night's 16-9 victory vs Kennedy Middle School. Great effort and perseverance shown by our lady falcons. Way to go! #fossumfalcons
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
7th grade light win
Congratulations to our 8th grade dark girls basketball team on their 33-10 victory vs Kennedy School Middle School. Let's keep up the great work lady falcons! #fossumfalcons #districtofchampions
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
girls basketball 8th grade
Congratulations to our 8th grade light girls basketball on their 29-7 victory vs Kennedy School Middle School. Way to remain undefeated lady falcons! #fossumfalcons #districtofchampions
about 2 years ago, Azael Serrano
Girls basketball win
Pedro Guerra & Victoria Gonzalez headed to our District Superintendent’s Student Ambassadors meeting with our Superintendent today. #fossumfalcons #Mcallenisd @mcallenisd @fossum_falcons
about 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo