Positive Referral goes out to Ronaldo! He is so respectful and helpful to all of the front office staff and always goes above and beyond. Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Falcons, 🎾 Tennis tryouts for 7th and 8th grade are coming up. Scan the QR Code or press the link. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNM19ceK9_1RiKtL5ukfafiqeaXeR2IDcIRXR_Kc3sF8NSiw/viewform?usp=sf_link&usp=embed_facebook ^See attached flyer #fossumfalcons #misd
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Positive Referral goes out to Aaron for having such a great attitude in History class and making a positive impact on other students! Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Today is our Welcome Back Dance. All students need a ticket & a signed parent permission slip to get in. Purchase tickets at the door! ^see attached flyer #fossumfalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
🎨 Art classes participated in an International Dot Day activity. #Sept15 #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
international dot day 4
international dot day
international dot day 2
international dot day 3
Huge congratulations to all our Fossum teachers, staff and students for earning an “A” rating and all 7 distinctions! Thank you Dr. Gonzalez and the leadership team for taking time to celebrate with us. #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Congratulations to Mrs. Gonzalez's 2nd period class for completing their attendance puzzle! Keep up the great work, Falcons! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Linda Gonzalez's Perfect Attendnace
Congratulations to Mr. Maciel's 2nd period class for completing their attendance puzzle! Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Maciel Perfect Attendnace
Positive Referral goes out to Kylie! She has taken such a leadership role in Choir and we could not be more proud of her! Keep up the great work Kylie! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
Kylie Positive Referral
Tomorrow is our Welcome Back Dance. Purchase tickets during lunch periods or at the door! ^see attached flyer #fossumfalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Battle of the Books Team! This is your reading schedule: Sept. Glitch Oct. Turtle Boy Nov. In Between Dec. The Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna Please be ready to discuss each novel at the end of the month! Go Falcons!
over 2 years ago, Wenndy Pray
Our librarian leads a citizenship session with the FMS cheer squad. This lesson helps our cheerleaders strengthen their self awareness & regulation. #EQ Thank you to Tim & Moby for helping make the presentation a success. Mission accomplished! Go Falcons!📣 @brainpop
over 2 years ago, Wenndy Pray
🌿Plants & Pages had a great meeting! Falcons assembled their vials & put their knowledge into action. They learned about where to prune & have begun to rehabilitate the tired pothos mother plant. They placed the cuttings & filled the vials w/water. Excited for great things!
over 2 years ago, Wenndy Pray
plantsn pages
Interested in robotics? Our first meeting is tomorrow! We can’t wait to see you there! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
More details to come! Save the date and look your best on picture day 📸 #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
save the date
Let the FIESTA begin! Welcome Back Dance tickets will be sold Wed-Friday during lunch periods. ^See attached flyer #FossumPTO #fossumfalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
ticket spinet
FMS Athletic Booster Club will be hosting a meeting. ^see attached flyer. #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
Save the date!#fossumfalcons
over 2 years ago, Jestina Castillo
🏐 Our 8th grade Dark team played amazing at this weekends tournament. Keep soaring Falcons! #MISD #FossumFalcons
over 2 years ago, Aida Evans
8th grade dark